
Diving swimming pool

Diving swimming pool
Size: 20 m x 25 m x 35 m
Water temperature: 29ºC
Air temperature: 31ºC (the temperature can vary since the pool is open in summer and cover by a dome in winter)
Except for diving, the pool is also used for synchronized swimming and scuba diving due to its depth.
The dimensions of the pool, diving platforms and boards are in line with the technical guidelines of the International Swimming Federation (FINA). The walls of the pool are equipped with underwater loudspeakers and windows for watching the dives. The diving pool also includes a pool in which divers can relax before diving.
An impressive diving platform was built of special material which changes color, depending on the point of view. The diving boards are located 1m, 3 m, 5 m, 7.5 m and 10 meters above the water.
The stands, which are partly covered, hold altogether 369 seats.
Swimming pool machinery with filters and pumps is located on the ground floor, together with compensatory pool, neutralization pool, climate chamber blowing hot air into the balloon, chemical tanks for water treatment and a device blowing hot air under the divining boards (bubble).

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